Ferrara Rings for Visual Rehabilitation in Eyes with Keratoconus and Previous Cross-Linking Using the Ferrara Ring Nomogram

McLintock CA, McKelvie J, Li Y, Hamada S, Lake D. Ferrara Rings for Visual Rehabilitation in Eyes with Keratoconus and Previous Cross-Linking Using the Ferrara Ring Nomogram. Vision (Basel). 2021 Sep 29;5(4):45. 

Evaluation of a new nomogram for Ferrara ring segment implantation in keratoconus

Fernández J, Peris-Martínez C, Pérez-Rueda A, Hamida Abdelkader SM, Roig-Revert MJ, Piñero DP. Evaluation of a new nomogram for Ferrara ring segment implantation in keratoconus. Int J Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep 18;14(9):1371-1383  

Visual and Tomographic Outcomes of a 300° Arc-length ICRS Implantation in Moderate to Advanced Central Keratoconus
José F. Alfonso, MD, PhD; Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD; Luis Fernández-Vega-Cueto, MD, PhD;
Bruce Allan, MD, PhD; Aranzazu Poo-López, BSc; Belén Alfonso-Bartolozzi, MD;
José de la Cruz, MD, MSc; Tiago Monteiro, MD; David Madrid-Costa, PhD.

Journal of Refractive Surgery, Vol. 37. No. 4. 2021

Clinical Outcomes After Implantation of 320˚-Arc Length Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments in Keratoconus
Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD,* Priscila Cunha, MD,† Allan Luz, MD, PhD,‡ Sérgio Kwitko, MD,§ Márcio Carrion, MD,¶ Guilherme Rocha, MD,k Armando Signorelli, MD,** Sandro Coscarelli, MD,†† Guilherme Ferrara, MD,‡‡ Frederico Bicalho, MD,† Renato Neves, MD,§§ and Paulo Ferrara, MD, PHD‡‡ 2018

Outcomes of a 320-degree intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation for keratoconus: Results of a 6-month follow-up 
Guilherme Andrade do Nascimento Rocha, Paulo Ferrara de Almeida Cunha, Leonardo Torquetti Costa and Luciene Barbosa de Sousa. 2018

Wavefront Aberrations Prior to and post-intrastromal Corneal Ring Segment Implantation in Keratoconus
Victor Paes Simoceli, MD1; Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD2; Rosângela A. Simoceli, MD3; Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD2
J Emmetropia Julio-Septiembre 2012; 3: 139-144

Intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation to correct astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty
Sandro Coscarelli, MD, Guilherme Ferrara, MD, Jose F. Alfonso, MD, PhD, Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD, Jesús Merayo-Lloves, MD, PhD, Luana P.N. Arau_jo, MD, Aydano P. Machado, PhD,
Joao Marcelo Lyra, MD, PhD, Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD
J Cataract Refract Surg 2012; 38:1006–1013 Q June 2012 ASCRS and ESCRS

Ferrara ring segments implantation for treating keratoconus
Mohammed Ali Abu Ammerh,  Ghada Ismail Hamad, Osama H. Ababneh, Almutez M. Gharaibeh, Rola M. Al refai, Muawyah D. Al Bdour
Int J. Ophthalmol May 2012;5(5):586-590

Predictors of Clinical Outcomes after Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments Implantation
Leonardo Torquetti, Guilherme Ferrara, Paulo Ferrara
International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases, January-April 2012;1(1):26-30

Refractive, Tomographic and Biomechanical Outcomes after Implantation of Ferrara ICRS in Keratoconus Patients
José M Salgado-Borges, Cláudia Costa-Ferrerira, Manuel Monteiro, José-Gilherme-Monteiro, Leonardo Torquetti, Paulo Ferrara, Renato Ambrósio Jr
International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases, January-April 2012;1(1):16-21

Intrastromal corneal ring segments: visual outcomes from a large case series
Guilherme Ferrara MD, Leonardo Torquetti MD PhD, Paulo Ferrara MD PhD and Jesús Merayo-Lloves MD PhD
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology August 2011

Preliminary results of intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation to treat moderate to severe keratoconus
Hamdi IM.
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Predictive factors for successful Ferrara intracorneal ring segment implantation in keratoconus
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New technique of Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD; Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD; Leandro Cunha, MD
J Emmetropia Abril-Junio 2011; 2: 79-83

Corneal Asphericity Changes after Implantation of Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments in Keratoconus
Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD1, Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD2
J Emmetropia October-December 2010; 1: 178-181

Treatment of keratoconus with Ferrara ICRS and consideration of the efficacy of the Ferrara nomogram in a 5-year follow-up
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Eur J Ophthalmol. 2010 Sep-Oct;20(5):865-73.

The New Ferrara Ring Nomogram: The Importance of Corneal Asphericity in Ring Selection
Paulo Ferrara MD PhD; Leonardo Torquetti MD PhD
Vision Pan-America, September 2010: 92-95

Causes of intrastromal corneal ring segment explantation: Clinicopathologic correlation analysis
Consuelo Ferrer, PhD, Jorge L. Alio ́, MD, PhD, Antonio Uceda Montañés, MD, Jose J. Pérez-Santonja, MD, PhD, Miguel A. Diaz del Rio, MD, Juan Álvarez de Toledo, MD, PhD, Miguel A. Teus, MD, PhD, Jaime Javaloy, MD, PhD
J Cataract Refract Surg June 2010; 36:970–977 Q 2010 ASCRS and ESCRS

Ring segments still valuable for keratoconus treatment
Paulo Ferrara MD PhD; Leonardo Torquetti MD PhD
EyeWorld, March 2010

Corneal endothelial profile after Ferrara Ring implantation
Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD, Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD
Journal of Emmetropia January-March 2010; 1: 29-32

Optical and Topographic Changes in Keratoconus After Implantation of Ferrara Intracorneal Ring Segments
Islam Mahmoud Hamdi, FCRS (Glasg), PhD
Journal of Refractive Surgery, Vol. 26, No.11, January 2010: 871-880

Ferrara Ring: An Overview
Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD; and Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD
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Long Term Follow-up of Ferrara Ring segments in Keratoconus
Paulo Ferrara MD, PhD, Rodrigo Fabri Berbel MD, Leonardo Torquetti MD, PhD
J Cataract Refract Surg October 2009; 35: 1768-1773 © 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS

Clinical outcomes after implantation of a new intrastromal corneal ring with a 210-degree arc length
Paulo Ferrara, MD, PhD, Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD
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Options to treat keratoconus expand
Matt Young
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Intralase FS Laser for ICR Implantation
Francisco Sánchez León, MD; Ramón Naranjo, MD
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Ferrara intracorneal ring implantation and cataract surgery for the correction of pellucid marginal corneal degeneration
Leonardo Akaishi, MD, Patrick F. Tzelikis, MD, Irving M. Raber, MD
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Ferrara intracorneal ring segments for keratoconus
Sérgio Kwitko, MD, Nórton Souto Severo, MD
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Ferrara intrastromal corneal rings for the correction of keratoconus
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