Cross Linking

Cross Linking


Influence of Corneal Cross-linking for Keratoconus on Several Objective Parameters of Dry Eye
Suphi Taneri, MD; Saskia Oehler, Dip-Ing (FH); George Asimellis, PhD; A. John Kanellopoulos, MD
Journal of Refractive Surgery September 2013 – Volume 29 · Issue 9: 612-616

Case of corneal Perforation as a complication after Uneventful CXL without Infection
Goktug Demirci, Akif Ozdamar
International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases, September-December 2013;2(3):139-142 

Corneal Cross-Linking as a treatment for Keratoconus: Four-year morphologic and clinical outcomes with respect to patient age
Riccardo Vinciguerra, Mario R. Romano, Fabrizio I. Camesasca, Claudio Azzolini, Silvia Trazza, Emanuela Morenghi, Paolo Vinciguerra
120(5): 908-916 May 2013 

Early outcomes positive for cross-linking, corneal implant treatment for keratoconus and ectasia
Peter S. Hersh, MD
Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition, April 25, 2012 

Early outcomes positive for cross-linking, corneal implant treatment for keratoconus and ectasia
Peter S. Hersh, MD
Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition, April 25, 2012 

Combined intrastromal corneal rings (KeraRing) and corneal collagen cross-linking (UV-X) in patients with keratoconus – which is the right treatment sequence?
Mirko R. Jankov, MD PhD, Efekan Coskunseven, MD

Combined Intacs SK and corneal collagen Cross-linking for the treatment of Keratoconus
Ramez Barbara, Hanna Garzozi, Adel Barbara
International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases, May-August 2012; 1(2): 109-116


2015-10-22T20:18:52+00:00October 22nd, 2015|0 Comments

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