AJL Ophthalmic attended ECVO 2016, the European Conference of Veterinary Ophthalmology, from 19th to 22nd May in Budapest
Vitoria-Gasteiz, 23rdMay, 2016.-AJL Ophthalmic attended as exhibitor the annual European Conference of Veterinary Ophthalmology, ECVO 2016, which was held from 19th to 22nd May in Budapest.
This annual meeting on veterinary, which has had as central topic “Ocular imaging in Veterinary Ophthalmology” in its scientific program. Numerous veterinarians specialized in ophthalmology, as well as researchers and proffesionals of veterinary from all around the world met there to learn on the latest and cutting edge veterinary advances in the field of ophthalmology, as well as new treatments, surgical approaches and products.
AJL Ophthalmic presented there its new Premium Line for Veterinary Ophthalmology, AJL VET, which includes specific products for Cataract Surgery: LIOCAN Canine IOLs and AJL Capsular Tension Rings; as well as a Capsular Staining Bluevet, and viscoelastic solutions, Viscovet and Cellvet, among others.