Yearly Archives: 2024


EVRS 2024

EVRS in Budapest, lovely city to present All the truth and only but the truth on MACULAR BUCKLE for MTM Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Parolini for your contribution to [...]


PUBLICACIONES CIENTÍFICAS DEL PRODUCTO ENDO-K PRO Pseudochamber-Protected Keratoplasty (PPK) with a New Inter-Corneal Surgical Device Implant Technique in High-Risk CasesLong-TermMental Health after High-Density Polyethylene-Based Porous Orbital Implant in Enucleated and Eviscerated PatientsMacular Buckle for Retinal [...]

NPB Indentador Macular en Asia

NPB Indentador Macular en Asia Estamos encantados de que el Dr. Laurence Lim, bajo la tutela del Dr. Parolini, haya realizado con éxito la primera intervención de NPB (Indentador macular) en Asia. Esta [...]